Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Season recap

Well it has been sixteen months and frankly I forgot I had a blog! My 2008 early season results were horrid. I finished only 1 race out of 5 that I entered, often being dropped in the first ten minutes. Further I was struggling to ride in a paceline at 20 MPH, my HR racing above my Anaerobic Threshhold. I decided to bag my season until this problem was solved. Many blood tests, doctor visits and web-surfing for answers revealed nothing.

After finding out in May that I had a protein deficit in my diet and that the NSAID's I was taking were interfering with protein metabolism, my fitness improved and my racing resumed. My results:

Date Race Place
02/18/08 Dinuba Criterium - 13th
06/14/08 Specialized Sierra Nevada Crit - 11th
06/14/08 Specialized Sierra Nevada Crit - 25th
06/21/08 Napa Downtown Crit - 12th
07/20/08 Long Beach Crit - 11th
08/23/08 San Ardo - 24th
08/31/08 Dunnigan Hills - 16th
09/13/08 Folsom Crit - 9th
09/14/08 Folsom Circuit Race - 4th
09/14/08 Folsom Omnium - 11th
09/20/08 Henleyville - 10th
09/21/08 Chico Downtown Crit - 5th

I feel that I have finally returned to pre-crash form. I am hoping to stay fit and healthy for a good 2009 season and looking for an early season upgrade. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me and especially Shaun Bagley, my main man, for making this all possible by saving my legs after my crash.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Initial Musings

I am a former mediocre competitive runner turned Masters cyclist who has learned the value of training smart, not hard. I am recovering from a shattered vertebra as a result from a training crash. I hope to return to being competetive.